SenseCap Soil Sensor

This soil sensor by Seeed Studios offers high accuracy and sensitivity, making it an essential tool for observing and studying the dynamics of saline soil. By measuring the soil's dielectric constant, it provides a direct and stable reading of the soil's moisture content, electrical conductivity and temperature.

With its ability to provide real-time and reliable data, this sensor is a valuable asset for anyone involved in soil science, agriculture, and environmental monitoring.

This sensor can be used in conjunction with the CDS551 or CDS545 Modbus loggers.





Choose a suitable measurement site, avoid rocks, and ensure that the steel probes do not hit anything hard. Cut the topsoil according to the required measurement depth to maintain the original tightness of the soil below. Hold the sensor and insert it vertically into the soil. Do not move it from side to side during the insertion. Multiple measurements and averaging are recommended for a small range of measurement points.

Dig a hole with a diameter of more than 20 cm vertically. Insert the steel needles of the sensor horizontally into the wall of the hole at the desired measurement depth. Fill the hole and pack the soil tightly. Measure and record the data for several days, months, or even longer after it has stabilised for a period of time.